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New Web application lets faculty control cluster use by students, collaborators

  • Announcements

A new Web-based application allows faculty partners in Purdue’s community cluster supercomputers to give students and research collaborators permission to run jobs on a faculty member’s portion of a cluster with just a few keystrokes.

The online self-service user and queue maintenance app allows a faculty member, or the faculty member’s designee, to directly manage the list of users who are authorized to access the new Hansen cluster, which went online in September, as well as the Rossmann, Coates and Steele clusters.

Adding someone to a faculty member’s user list requires little more than typing a name into the "add a new user" search box. The new accounts are created automatically within one business day.

Previously, the process was manual with a new user request submitted followed by faculty approval and then account creation.

The new Web application is available to faculty partners in Purdue’s Community Cluster Program at:

Faculty members who encounter any issues with the new application should contact

Faculty researchers also can view usage statistics and generate detailed data about their work on Hansen and the other community clusters through the new cluster usage tracking website at:

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