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Can I extend the walltime on a job?

In some circumstances, yes. Walltime extensions must be requested of and completed by staff. Walltime extension requests will be considered on named (your advisor or research lab) queues. Standby or debug queue jobs cannot be extended.

Extension requests are at the discretion of staff based on factors such as any upcoming maintenance or resource availability. Extensions can be made past the normal maximum walltime on named queues but these jobs are subject to early termination should a conflicting maintenance downtime be scheduled.

Please be mindful of time remaining on your job when making requests and make requests at least 24 hours before the end of your job AND during business hours. We cannot guarantee jobs will be extended in time with less than 24 hours notice, after-hours, during weekends, or on a holiday.

We ask that you make accurate walltime requests during job submissions. Accurate walltimes will allow the job scheduler to efficiently and quickly schedule jobs on the cluster. Please consider that extensions can impact scheduling efficiency for all users of the cluster.

Requests can be made by contacting support. We ask that you:

  • Provide numerical job IDs, cluster name, and your desired extension amount.
  • Provide at least 24 hours notice before job will end (more if request is made on a weekend or holiday).
  • Consider making requests during business hours. We may not be able to respond in time to requests made after-hours, on a weekend, or on a holiday.

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