Link to section 'AMD' of 'Applications' AMD
Link to section 'Audio/Visualization' of 'Applications' Audio/Visualization
Link to section 'Bioinformatics' of 'Applications' Bioinformatics
Link to section 'Climate' of 'Applications' Climate
Link to section 'Computational chemistry' of 'Applications' Computational chemistry
Link to section 'Container' of 'Applications' Container
Link to section 'Electrical engineering' of 'Applications' Electrical engineering
Link to section 'Fluid dynamics' of 'Applications' Fluid dynamics
Link to section 'Geospatial tools' of 'Applications' Geospatial tools
Link to section 'Libraries' of 'Applications' Libraries
- arpack-ng
- blis
- boost
- eigen
- fftw
- gmp
- gsl
- hdf5
- hdf
- intel-mkl
- intel-oneapi-mkl
- intel-oneapi-tbb
- libfabric
- libflame
- libiconv
- libmesh
- libszip
- libtiff
- libv8
- libx11
- libxml2
- libxp
- libxscrnsaver
- libxslt
- mesa-glu
- mpfr
- netcdf-c
- netcdf-cxx4
- netcdf-fortran
- netcdf
- netlib-lapack
- openblas
- parallel-netcdf
- petsc
- rocm
- sqlite
- swig
- ucx
- udunits2
- udunits
- xcb-util-image
- xcb-util-keysyms
- xcb-util-renderutil
- xcb-util-wm
- zlib
- zstd