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RCAC collaborates with many different research groups and centers to support their efforts with high-performance, high-throughput, or other advanced computing needs. Here are a few of our partners, Click on their label to view:


DiaGrid is a large, high-throughput, distributed research computing network utilizing the HTCondor system and centered at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. DiaGrid is currently a partnership between a number of university campuses, including University of Nortre Dame, University of Wisconsin, and others. The distributed computing resource can be accessed through Purdue provided login servers, as well as from the DiaGrid HUB.

Geospatial Data Analysis Building Block (GABBs)

The GABBs is an NSF-funded project to create a powerful Web-based system that will allow researchers worldwide to manage, curate, share, analyze and visualize geospatial data for purposes ranging from predicting damaging floods to projecting climate change effects on the poor. The project will build geospatial data hosting, processing and sharing capabilities into the HUBzero platform. This should open the way for easy development of a variety of Web-enabled tools for probing and presenting geospatial data in ways that can, among other things, help policymakers address pressing issues in the U.S. and around the globe.

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The national research cyberinfrastructure (CI) ecosystem is essential to computational- and data-intensive research across all of 21st-century science and engineering (S&E). It’s driven by rapid advances in a wide range of technologies, increasing volumes of highly heterogeneous data and escalating demand by the research community. The NSF’s ACCESS (Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support) program builds upon the successes of the 11-year XSEDE project, while also expanding the ecosystem with capabilities for new modes of research and further democratizing participation.


Purdue CMS Tier-2 Center

The CMS Tier-2 center at Purdue University is a joint collaboration between the Purdue Physics department and the university's information technology department. This is part of a global collaboration with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment being conducted at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

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Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) and

The Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) has a mission to connect theory, experiment, and computation in a way that makes a difference to the future of nanotechnology. is NCN's science gateway for nanotechnology research and education, providing interactive, graphical nanotechnology simulation tools, courses, tutorials, seminars, and facilities for collaboration.

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ionomicsHUB (or iHUB) is an international collaborative cyber research environment to enhance our ability to identify and understand the genes and gene networks that function to control the ionome, the mineral nutrient and trace element composition of an organism or tissue.


driNET is a research environment for collecting and disseminating local to regional scale drought information. driNET facilitates the publication of models, tools, datasets, training, and educational materials to help others with comprehensive evaluation of the causal factors of droughts.

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IsoMAP is an online workspace for spatial analysis, modeling and prediction of stable isotope ratio variation in the natural environment (isoscapes). IsoMAP consists of a suite of web-based GIS and software tools allowing users to easily explore, develop, and implement models for isotope distributions.


Useful to Usable (U2U): Transforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers, is an integrated research and extension project that seeks to improve the resilience and profitability of farms in the North Central Region amid variable climate change through the development and dissemination of improved decision support tools, resource materials, and training. U2U will help producers make better long-term plans on what, when, and where to plant, and also how to manage crops for maximum yields and minimum environmental damage.

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WaterHUB is a global communication and research platform for research, education, knowledge sharing and global outreach. WaterHUB enables sharing of knowledge, data and modeling tools related to water. WaterHUB also exploits cluster computational resources for executing shared hydrologic models through high performance computing.

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The mission of GEOSHARE is to develop and maintain a freely available, global, spatially explicit database on agriculture, land use, and the environment accompanied by analysis tools and training programs for new scientists, decision makers, and development practitioners.



HydroShare is an online collaborative environment for the sharing of hydrologic data and models to help hydrologists in addressing critical issues related to water quantity, quality, accessibility, and management. It is funded by the NSF SI2 program and being developed by a CUAHSI team of participants from multiple institutions, including Purdue University.

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Funded by IN Department of Transportation, the goal of the Wintx project is to develop a geographic winter-weather severity index for the assessment of maintenance performance using high-resolution radar data and analyses of meteorological observations. It will also deliver a database that contains the severity index, weather-related variables, and numerical predictions of the severity index statewide.

Purdue Terrestrial Observatory (PTO)

The PTO deploys two real-time multi-satellite receiving stations, a geostationary groundstation for NOAA's GOES and a tracking groundstation for polar orbiting satellites, including NOAA's AVHRR and NASA's Terra and Aqua MODIS sensors. The data are available for researchers for temporal and spatial analysis, data fusion and data mining of remotely sensed imagery. Researchers can subscribe to the data using the Purdue Real-time Satellite Information Gateway.


IndianaView, a member of AmericaView, is a statewide consortium that promotes sharing and use of remotely sensed image data for education, research and outreach across universities, K-12 educators and government.

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National Weather Service

Purdue is a top level distributor of Level II Doppler Radar data.

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