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Steckel Bleier

Steckel Kira Bleier's Profile Photo

Executive Assistant

Steckel Bleier is the Executive Assistant for both RCAC and the Envision Center, as well as supporting the Deputy CIO of Purdue IT and the other departments under them. Along with the financial, scheduling, and organizational duties to keep the department running smoothly, she also acts as an occasional resident motion-capture actor for the Envision Center

This is a return for Steckel-- she completed her graduate studies with the Envision Center before spending the next 5 years as a video editor with a focus on educational content. She worked with Teaching and Learning Technologies at Purdue to create online courses ranging from Statistics, to Ordinary Differential Equations, to a series of 4 Cybersecurity courses sponsored by Intel, and many other courses.


  • B.S., Computer Graphics Technology, Purdue University (2012)
  • M.S., Z-Depth Integration in Compositing, Purdue University (2014)

Selected Publications

  • Steckel, K., Whittinghill, D., "Z-Depth integration: a new technique for manipulating z-depth properties in composited scenes" (Feb 2014). Proc. SPIE 9012, The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2014, 90120A. doi: 10.1117/12.2044809
  • Steckel, K., "Integration of Z-Depth in Compositing" (Dec 2014). Open Access Theses. 382.