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Rob Campbell

Robert A Campbell's Profile Photo

Lead Software Engineer

Rob is a member of the Scientific Solutions Group within Research Computing at Purdue University. He has worked as a software developer in a variety of industries including automation, consumer electronics, and information technology. At Purdue, he developed tools for the System of Systems Lab. Recently, he contributed to GABBs, an NSF funded project to create geospatial modeling and data analysis infrastructure software. Rob is currently a member of multiple research teams.


  • B.S., Computer Science, Purdue University (1990)

Selected Publications

  • Brewer, N., Campbell, R., Kalyanam, R., Luk, K. I., Song, C. X., & Zhao, L. (2022). Benefits and Limitations of Jupyter-based Scientific Web Applications. 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on eScience (eScience).
  • Maheshwari, A., Raz, A. K., Dervisevic, A., Campbell, R., DeLaurentis, D. A., Colligan, W., ... & Kolawole, O. (2018, July). Minimum SysML Representations to Enable Rapid Evaluation using Agent‐Based Simulation. In INCOSE International Symposium (Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1706-1719).
  • Biehl, L., Zhao, L., Ellis, C., Kalyanam, R., Campbell, R. and Song, C. (2018). Introducing Research Concepts to Middle School Students via a Geospatial Science Gateway. 2018 Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing Conference (PEARC18), Pittsburgh, PA, July 22-26, 2018.
  • R. Campbell, L. Zhao, R. Kalyanam, C.X. Song and L. Biehl. (Oct 2017). Extending Gateways into the Field: Geospatial Extensions and Remote Data Services. 12thGateway Computing Environments (Gateways 2017), Ann Arbor, MI, October 2017.
  • Kalyanam, R., Campbell, R., Kearney, D., Delgass, L., Biehl, L., Zhao, L., Ellis, C., Song, C. X. Cloud-enabling a Collaborative Research Platform: The GABBs Story. Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC17), New Orleans, LA, July 9-13, 2017.
  • Zhao, L., Song, C. X., Kalyanam, R., Biehl, L., Campbell, R., Delgass, L., Kearney, D., Wan, W., Shin, J., Kim, I L., Ellis, C. GABBS - Reusable Geospatial Data Analysis Building Blocks for Science Gateways. 9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2017), Poland, June 19-21, 2017.
  • Kalyanam, R., Campbell, R.A., Wilson, S. P., Meunier, P., Zhao, L., Hillery, B. A. and Song. C.X. Integrating HUBzero and iRODS: Geospatial Data Management for Collaborative Scientific Research, Presentation. The 2016 iRODS User Group Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC, June 7-9, 2016.
  • Fry, Donald N., Robert Campbell, and Daniel A. DeLaurentis. Modeling Systems-of-Systems from Multiple Design Perspectives: Agents, Interfaces, and Architectures. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference. 2015.
  • Song, C., Kalyanam, R., Zhao, L. and Campbell, R. Evolving and Sustaining Collaborative Cyberinfrastructure to Support FAIR Science. invited talk. Mini-symposium: Enhancing Sustainability and Productivity for Research Software, 2021 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Dallas, TX, March 2021 (slides, poster)
  • Rajesh Kalyanam, Lan Zhao, Rob Campbell, Derrick Kearney, I Luk Kim, Jaewoo Shin, Larry Biehl, Wei Wan and Carol Song. (2017). Demo: MyGeoHub Geospatial Gateway. Gateway Computing Environments (Gateways 2017), Ann Arbor, MI, October 2017
  • R. Kalyanam, L. Zhao, J. Jin, L L. Biehl, U. Baldos, R. Campbell, C. Ellis, J. Smith, N. Brewer, V. Merwade, J. Woo and C. X Song. GeoEDF – An Extensible Geospatial Data Framework for FAIR Science. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019
  • L. Zhao, X. C. Song, R. Kalyanam, V. Merwade, M. Huber, L. Biehl, C. Thompson, R. Campbell and C. Ellis. Leveraging MyGeoHub Gateway for Cyber Training and Workforce Development. Gateways 2019 conference, San Diego, CA, September 23-25, 2019.
  • Christopher Thompson, Robert Campbell, & Steven Clark. DiaGrid: Science Gateways as a Service. 2016 Gateways conference, San Diego, CA, November 2-3, 2016.

Additional information and news about Rob's group and projects can be found here: Scientific Solutions Group