XR Lab Consultation Request NOTE: This form is for requesting a consultation appointment. If you would like to request a tour of the Envision Center, please proceed to the tour request form. Name: * Email: * Organization/Department: Role:* Select a role... Faculty Staff Student Other What are your interests and/or questions? (Check all that apply.) I am interested in using the XR Lab for a research project I am interested in using the XR Lab for a classroom project/lecture/exercise I have questions about data visualization techniques (vision & cognition) I have questions about data visualization processing (data pipeline) I have questions about applying XR devices (which device is most appropriate) I have questions about accessing XR devices (purchasing equipment or using the XR Lab) What is your general availability for a consultation appointment? (Check all that apply.) Monday Morning Afternoon Tuesday Morning Afternoon Wednesday Morning Afternoon Thursday Morning Afternoon Friday Morning Afternoon Additional Information: Please leave the following blank