Halstead Scratch Upgrade
Link to update at March 21, 2018 1:28am EDT UPDATE:
As of 1:30 am Wednesday, 21 March 2018, the Halstead and HalsteadGPU resources have been brought back into production, and the maintenance outage concluded.
Link to update at March 21, 2018 12:13am EDT UPDATE:
Work continues on bringing Halstead and HalsteadGPU back to normal operation. Engineers encountered some minor issues and are working with the vendor on site. We will provide another update by 2:00am.
Link to original posting ORIGINAL:
Halstead and HalsteadGPU will be having a new scratch filesystem installed on Tuesday, March 20th, 2018. All access to these systems will be stopped at 5:00am EDT in order to allow for engineers to install the new hardware.
Any jobs whose requested walltime will take them past Tuesday, March 20th, 2018 at 5:00am EDT will be held in queue until after this maintenance. Any interactive Thinlinc sessions still open at that time will be terminated.
After this maintenance, the new scratch filesystem will be made available through a new path on the system and some time given for workflows to be gradually changed to use the new scratch filesystem. More details will be announced after the maintenance on how to start changing your jobs to do so. We will announce a cut-over to fully using this new filesystem at a future date.