ITaP staff participated in SC2004
ITaP staff and faculty from several areas of the University—about 70 people in all—participated in the Super Computing 2004 (SC2004) conference, which is the largest annual event worldwide focused on high performance computing, networking, data storage, and visualization. It was held this year from November 6-12 in Pittsburgh , Penn. The booth featured presentations, posters, and video presentations that helped showcase Purdue's research computing capabilities to project directors, funding agencies and an international IT contingency.
ITaP Associate Vice President for Discovery Resources Gary Bertoline, who chaired ITaP's SC2004 planning committee, says, “Overall, the event was a great success in raising the national awareness of Purdue's research computing and visualization and giving our faculty the opportunity to share their exciting work with conference attendees and funding agencies.”
The booth highlighted the work of many faculty from a dozen departments on campus: Dr. Yinlong Sun, “Streamline splatting”; Dr. Megan Pickett, from Purdue Calumet, “3D stereo creation of a planet”; Dr. Gilbert Rochon, “Satellite remote sensing in an HPC and high bandwidth environment”; Dr. Laura Arns and Dioselin Gonzales, “Access Grid VR Juggler demo”; Dr. Paul Robinson, “Purdue Discovery Park Bioscience Initiative”; Dr. Scott King “HPC, visualization, and convection in Earth's mantle: What works, what doesn't, and why”; Dr. Rudolf Eigenmann, “Benchmarking HPC”; Dr. Alok Chaturvedi, “Measured Response 04: Technological process and lessons learned”; Dr. Chenn Zhou, from Purdue Calumet, “3D stereo of fluid dynamics in a blast furnace”; Dr. Steven Frankel and David Glaze, “Simulaton of turbulent flows with applications to combustion, aeroacoustics, multiphase and biological flows”; Dr. Gilbert Rochon and Larry Biehl , “Simulation of flood flow TeraGrid”; Dr. Dongyan Xu and Dr. Sebastien Goasguen, “VIOLIN: A network virtualization middleware architecture for virtual machine computing”; Dr. Gerhard Klimeck and Dr. Sebastien Goasguen, “Nemo 3D”; Dr. Ahmed Sameh and Dr. Eric Polizzi, “Numerical parallel algorithms for large-scale quantum transport problems”; Dr. Krishna Madhavan, Dr. Sebastien Goasguen, and Michael Shuey, “PortaGrid.”
The booth on the trade show floor was sponsored by Purdue University with participation from faculty from the University of Notre Dame. In previous years, Purdue partnered with Indiana University to show the many research happenings going on at the respective institutions in Indiana.