Purdue among NSF Sites Providing 34 Million Hours of Supercomputing Time to Scientists
Every three months, a committee of computational scientists from across the country reviews requests for, and awards time at, NSF-supported supercomputing centers. At its recent meeting, 34 million hours of computing time were awarded to 90 projects. The work on these projects includes studying the birth of the universe, the ground movement from earthquakes, the functions of biological molecules, space weather, the structure of the sun and other fundamental questions in science and engineering.
The three largest allocations accounted for more than six million hours of time and six other projects received 1 million hours or more.
The 90 projects will use resources at the following NSF-supported sites: San Diego Supercomputer Center, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, along with six other TeraGrid partner sites: the Texas Advanced Computing Center at the University of Texas, Austin; the Center for Advanced Computing Research at Caltech; Argonne National Laboratory; Purdue University; Indiana University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
The NSF-supported computing allocations are part of NSF's 20-year history of providing the nation's academic community with the highest-performance computing resources and its commitment to advancing science and engineering. The NSF-supported sites make awards for computing time four times a year; any researcher at a U.S. academic or non-profit research institution is eligible. For allocations information, see http://www.paci.org/.