Complete! - New Hammer/CMS Home Directories
update 12152022:
The home directory transition for the Hammer cluster is complete. If you did not previously transfer your home directory data, the old home server mounts are still mounted on the Hammer login nodes at /home-old. Additionally the copy-rcac-home
script is still available for use if you wish to use it to transfer contents from old home directory to new home directory. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, but we are now no longer reliant on the old RCAC shared home directory servers that have fallen out of warranty and support status. As always, feel free to email a member of the CMS operations team or the general if you need additional assistance with this transition.
update 12142022: REMINDER! Hammer and CMS systems will be unavailable tomorrow, Dec 15th starting at 8:00am. After return to service, your home directories will be hosted on the new CMS specific homes server.
As part of an on-going lifecycle replacement in research computing, new per-resource home directory servers are being deployed. This means that Purdue Tier 2 USCMS users will need to migrate their data from the current RCAC shared homes to the new CMS home directory server. The cutover date is currently set for December 15th, 2022.
Everyone will be given a new, empty, home directory on CMS systems with a 25 GB limit. Please use one of the following methods to copy files from your current legacy home directory to your new CMS/Hammer home directory:
copy-rcac-home: This is a custom tool which will transfer most of your current legacy home directory contents to your new Brown home directory. You need to log in to a Hammer/CMS front-end host and run copy-rcac-home in a terminal. Detailed instructions for this tool can be viewed by running copy-rcac-home --help
from a Hammer/CMS login node.
Unix tools: You may also use typical command line utilities such as cp and rsync to copy files from your legacy home directory to your new Hammer/CMS home directory. Your new Hammer/CMS home directory is already available under /home-new/$USER. After the maintenance, your legacy home directory will be available under /home-old/$USER and will remain available for several weeks after the transition.
On December 15th 2022, your home directory on Hammer/CMS will switch from the current legacy home directory to the new Hammer/CMS home directory. If you have not copied your shell configuration files or research work files prior to this, you will need to then do so in order to continue using Hammer/CMS as you had been. On January 2nd 2023, your old legacy home directory will no longer be available on Hammer/CMS.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through these transitions!