Upgrades to the DiaGrid Hub
The DiaGrid Hub (https://web.archive.org/web/20100301000000*/http://www.dia-grid.org) has been upgraded, adding support for new features and improving the user experience.
DiaGrid Hub now supports logging in with a Purdue Career Account. DiaGrid users with Purdue credentials are no longer required to create a separate account for DiaGrid Hub use. Existing accounts can be linked by logging in with Purdue Career Account credentials. This allows Purdue-affiliated DiaGrid users the option to use the same username and password they use every day. Users who prefer to keep accounts separate may continue to do so.
Users who log in with Purdue Career Account credentials will automatically get access to the Hub's "Workspace" feature. With Workspace, users get a full Linux desktop environment and the RapidAPPlication infrastrucTURE (RAPPTURE) toolkit for developing Hub-based scientific applications. Workspace-enabled accounts are able to use scp, sftp, and WebDav protocols to transfer data in and out of their Hub account (data transfer requires using the local Hub account password, not the Purdue Career Account password).
The "My HUB" and "My Account" pages are combined into a "Dashboard". Settings on those pages can now be changed from the same page. New message alerts and group invitations are clearly indicated by a red button next to the Groups and Messages sidebar.
Improvements have been made to the resource submission process. Users now have the option to set themselves as the "Submitter" of a resource that they are uploading on someone else's behalf. Author names are now arbitrary and do not require a DiaGrid account.