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January 20 high-performance computing mini course will cover OpenMP

  • Envision Center (STEW B001)
  • Events

Purdue will host a workshop in January for Purdue and non-Purdue students, staff and faculty looking to gain skills using OpenMP to leverage the power of cutting-edge computational resources, such as Purdue’s community clusters.

The workshop will take place from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 20 in the Envision Center, Stewart Center, Room B001, which is located off the tunnel between the Stewart Center and the Purdue Memorial Union. There is no cost to register. Participants should bring a laptop, be able to write C or Fortran in a Linux environment, and be able to use a UNIX text editor such as vi or emacs. The National Science Foundation and ITaP are sponsoring the event.

Participants register with the National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), in which Purdue is a partner. A free XSEDE account can be created on the XSEDE user portal at

The mini course, which includes hands-on lab sessions, is designed to give C and Fortran programmers an introduction to programming with OpenMP. Participants should gain a working knowledge of how to write OpenMP codes for scalable parallel computing.

The workshop is part of a series of high-performance computing training sessions ITaP is sponsoring at Purdue through XSEDE, says Stephen Harrell, the scientific applications analyst who coordinates training for ITaP Research Computing.

The OpenMP workshop is delivered nationwide using high-definition video conferencing to allow students to interact in real time with course instructors from the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and to work in person with local colleagues and experts. At Purdue, staff from ITaP Research Computing will be on hand.

For more information, email

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