Acceptable Front-End System Use
Front-end or login node systems for research clusters and other shared computational resources are available only for use in job preparation and submission, file editing and transfers, compiling and editing code, and monitoring jobs. You should never use these systems to run computationally or memory-intensive applications or otherwise do computational work. Use of memory and CPU on these systems should be minimal, as all users of the cluster or resource must share these systems. You should submit any work to a queue for processing on the compute nodes of the cluster.
Any processes using significant processor time or memory on a front-end or login node will be terminated without warning automatically. You will receive an email notifying that your process(es) have been stopped.
If you believe a process or application that meets acceptable use was incorrectly terminated, please let us know and staff will review the application. Acceptable applications have to be explicitly whitelisted (applications are not automatically exempted), and if deemed appropriate staff will add the application to the whitelist.