Frequently asked questions about software.
Cannot use pip after loading ml-toolkit modules
Link to section 'Question' of 'Cannot use pip after loading ml-toolkit modules' Question
Pip throws an error after loading the machine learning modules. How can I fix it?
Link to section 'Answer' of 'Cannot use pip after loading ml-toolkit modules' Answer
Machine learning modules (tensorflow, pytorch, opencv etc.) include a version of pip that is newer than the one installed with Anaconda. As a result it will throw an error when you try to use it.
$ pip --version
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/apps/cent7/anaconda/5.1.0-py36/bin/pip", line 7, in <module>
from pip import main
ImportError: cannot import name 'main'
The preferred way to use pip with the machine learning modules is to invoke it via Python as shown below.
$ python -m pip --version
How can I get access to Sentaurus software?
Link to section 'Question' of 'How can I get access to Sentaurus software?' Question
How can I get access to Sentaurus tools for micro- and nano-electronics design?
Link to section 'Answer' of 'How can I get access to Sentaurus software?' Answer
Sentaurus software license requires a signed NDA. Please contact Dr. Mark Johnson, Director of ECE Instructional Laboratories to complete the process.
Once the licensing process is complete and you have been added into a cae2
Unix group, you could use Sentaurus on RCAC community clusters by loading the corresponding environment module:
module load sentaurus
Julia package installation
Users do not have write permission to the default julia package installation destination. However, users can install packages into home directory under ~/.julia
Users can side step this by explicitly defining where to put julia packages:
$ export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=$HOME/.julia
$ julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("PackageName")'