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An MPI job is a set of processes that take advantage of multiple compute nodes by communicating with each other. OpenMPI and Intel MPI (IMPI) are implementations of the MPI standard.

This section shows how to submit one of the MPI programs compiled in the section Compiling MPI Programs.

Use module load to set up the paths to access these libraries. Use module avail to see all MPI packages installed on Bell.

Create a job submission file:

# FILENAME:  mpi_hello.sub
#SBATCH  --nodes=2
#SBATCH  --ntasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH  --time=00:01:00
#SBATCH  -A standby

srun -n 256 ./mpi_hello

SLURM can run an MPI program with the srun command. The number of processes is requested with the -n option. If you do not specify the -n option, it will default to the total number of processor cores you request from SLURM.

If the code is built with OpenMPI, it can be run with a simple srun -n command. If it is built with Intel IMPI, then you also need to add the --mpi=pmi2 option: srun --mpi=pmi2 -n 256 ./mpi_hello in this example.

Submit the MPI job:

sbatch ./mpi_hello.sub

View results in the output file:

cat slurm-myjobid.out   Rank:0 of 256 ranks   hello, world   Rank:1 of 256 ranks   hello, world
...   Rank:128 of 256 ranks   hello, world   Rank:129 of 256 ranks   hello, world

If the job failed to run, then view error messages in the output file.

If an MPI job uses a lot of memory and 128 MPI ranks per compute node use all of the memory of the compute nodes, request more compute nodes, while keeping the total number of MPI ranks unchanged.

Submit the job with double the number of compute nodes and modify the resource request to halve the number of MPI ranks per compute node.

# FILENAME:  mpi_hello.sub

#SBATCH --nodes=4                                                                                                                                        
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=64                                                                                                        
#SBATCH -t 00:01:00 
#SBATCH -A standby

srun -n 256 ./mpi_hello
sbatch ./mpi_hello.sub

View results in the output file:

cat slurm-myjobid.out   Rank:0 of 256 ranks   hello, world   Rank:1 of 256 ranks   hello, world
...   Rank:64 of 256 ranks   hello, world
...   Rank:128 of 256 ranks   hello, world
...   Rank:192 of 256 ranks   hello, world


  • Use slist to determine which queues (--account or -A option) are available to you. The name of the queue which is available to everyone on Bell is "standby".
  • Invoking an MPI program on Bell with ./program is typically wrong, since this will use only one MPI process and defeat the purpose of using MPI. Unless that is what you want (rarely the case), you should use srun or mpiexec to invoke an MPI program.
  • In general, the exact order in which MPI ranks output similar write requests to an output file is random.

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