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Link to section 'Overview of Hammer' of 'Overview of Hammer' Overview of Hammer

Hammer is optimized for Purdue's communities utilizing loosely-coupled, high-throughput computing. Hammer was initially built through a partnership with HP and Intel in April 2015. Hammer was expanded again in late 2016. Hammer will be expanded annually, with each year's purchase of nodes to remain in production for 5 years from their initial purchase.

To purchase access to Hammer today, go to the Cluster Access Purchase page. Please subscribe to our Community Cluster Program Mailing List to stay informed on the latest purchasing developments or contact us via email at if you have any questions.

Link to section 'Hammer Specifications' of 'Overview of Hammer' Hammer Specifications

Most Hammer nodes consist of identical hardware. All Hammer nodes have variable numbers of processor cores, and 10 Gbps or 25 Gbps Ethernet interconnects.

Hammer Front-Ends
Front-Ends Number of Nodes Processors per Node Cores per Node Memory per Node Retires in
  2 Two Haswell CPUs @ 2.60GHz 20 64 GB 2020
Hammer Sub-Clusters
Sub-Cluster Number of Nodes Processors per Node Cores per Node Memory per Node Retires in
A 198 Two Haswell CPUs @ 2.60GHz 20 64 GB 2020
B 40 Two Haswell CPUs @ 2.60GHz 40 (Logical) 128 GB 2021
C 27 Two Sky Lake CPUs @ 2.60GHz 48 (Logical) 192 GB 2022
D 18 Two Sky Lake CPUs @ 2.60GHz 48 (Logical) 192 GB 2023
E 15 Two Intel Xeon Gold CPUs @ 2.60GHz 48 (Logical) 96 GB 2024

Hammer nodes run Rocky 8 and use Slurm (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) as the batch scheduler for resource and job management. The application of operating system patches occurs as security needs dictate. All nodes allow for unlimited stack usage, as well as unlimited core dump size (though disk space and server quotas may still be a limiting factor).

This compiler and these libraries are loaded by default. To load the recommended set again:

$ module load rcac

To verify what you loaded:

$ module list

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