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The Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (SLURM) is a system providing job scheduling and job management on compute clusters. With SLURM, a user requests resources and submits a job to a queue. The system will then take jobs from queues, allocate the necessary nodes, and execute them.

Running Jobs

SLURM performs job scheduling. Jobs may be any type of program. You may use either the batch or interactive mode to run your jobs. Use the batch mode for finished programs; use the interactive mode only for debugging.

In this section, you'll find a few pages describing the basics of creating and submitting SLURM jobs. As well, a number of example SLURM jobs that you may be able to adapt to your own needs.

PBS to Slurm

This is a reference for the most common command, environment variables, and job specification options used by the workload management systems and their equivalents.

Quick Guide

This table lists the most common command, environment variables, and job specification options used by the workload management systems and their equivalents (adapted from

Common commands across workload management systems
User Commands PBS/Torque Slurm
Job submission qsub [script_file] sbatch [script_file]
Interactive Job qsub -I sinteractive
Job deletion qdel [job_id] scancel [job_id]
Job status (by job) qstat [job_id] squeue [-j job_id]
Job status (by user) qstat -u [user_name] squeue [-u user_name]
Job hold qhold [job_id] scontrol hold [job_id]
Job release qrls [job_id] scontrol release [job_id]
Queue info qstat -Q squeue
Queue access qlist slist
Node list pbsnodes -l sinfo -N
scontrol show nodes
Cluster status qstat -a sinfo
GUI xpbsmon sview
Environment PBS/Torque Slurm
Number of Tasks $PBS_NP $SLURM_NTASKS
Node List (Compact) n/a $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST
Node List (One Core Per Line) LIST=$(cat $PBS_NODEFILE) LIST=$(srun hostname)
Job Specification PBS/Torque Slurm
Script directive #PBS #SBATCH
Queue -q [queue] -A [queue]
Node Count -l nodes=[count] -N [min[-max]]
CPU Count -l ppn=[count] -n [count]
Note: total, not per node
Wall Clock Limit -l walltime=[hh:mm:ss] -t [min] OR
-t [hh:mm:ss] OR
-t [days-hh:mm:ss]
Standard Output FIle -o [file_name] -o [file_name]
Standard Error File -e [file_name] -e [file_name]
Combine stdout/err -j oe (both to stdout) OR
-j eo (both to stderr)
(use -o without -e)
Copy Environment -V --export=[ALL | NONE | variables]
Note: default behavior is ALL
Copy Specific Environment Variable -v myvar=somevalue --export=NONE,myvar=somevalue OR
Event Notification -m abe --mail-type=[events]
Email Address -M [address] --mail-user=[address]
Job Name -N [name] --job-name=[name]
Job Restart -r [y|n] --requeue OR
Working Directory   --workdir=[dir_name]
Resource Sharing -l naccesspolicy=singlejob --exclusive OR
Memory Size -l mem=[MB] --mem=[mem][M|G|T] OR
Account to charge -A [account] -A [account]
Tasks Per Node -l ppn=[count] --tasks-per-node=[count]
CPUs Per Task   --cpus-per-task=[count]
Job Dependency -W depend=[state:job_id] --depend=[state:job_id]
Job Arrays -t [array_spec] --array=[array_spec]
Generic Resources -l other=[resource_spec] --gres=[resource_spec]
Licenses   --licenses=[license_spec]
Begin Time -A "y-m-d h:m:s" --begin=y-m-d[Th:m[:s]]

See the official Slurm Documentation for further details.

Notable Differences

  • Separate commands for Batch and Interactive jobs

    Unlike PBS, in Slurm interactive jobs and batch jobs are launched with completely distinct commands.
    Use sbatch [allocation request options] script to submit a job to the batch scheduler, and sinteractive [allocation request options] to launch an interactive job. sinteractive accepts most of the same allocation request options as sbatch does.

  • No need for cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR

    In Slurm your batch job starts to run in the directory from which you submitted the script whereas in PBS/Torque you need to explicitly move back to that directory with cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR.

  • No need to manually export environment

    The environment variables that are defined in your shell session at the time that you submit the script are exported into your batch job, whereas in PBS/Torque you need to use the -V flag to export your environment.

  • Location of output files

    The output and error files are created in their final location immediately that the job begins or an error is generated, whereas in PBS/Torque temporary files are created that are only moved to the final location at the end of the job. Therefore in Slurm you can examine the output and error files from your job during its execution.

See the official Slurm Documentation for further details.


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