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Emergency Chilled Water Maintenance

During early June, 2014, all RCAC systems housed in the Math Sciences building will be unavailable due to an emergency repair to the redundant chilled-water system serving the MATH datacenter.

A major chilled water line has developed a leak, and must be repaired to prevent the leak from becoming a catastrophic, major outage. Additionally, as summer heat approaches, operating without redundant cooling would likely result in further unscheduled outages.

The affected clusters are:

  • Conte
  • Hansen
  • Rossmann
  • Coates
  • Radon

Carter is housed in a separate datacenter facility, and is unaffected.

To prepare the clusters for this work, system reservations have been installed beginning on June 9, 2014. Any PBS jobs which request a walltime which would take them past 8:00am on 6/9/2014 will not start and will remain in the queue until after the maintenance is completed.

This notice and PBS reservations will be updated once tradespeople are officially scheduled.

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