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Software Development

Why Use Our Services

Extensive knowledge and Experience

With a combined knowledge of decades of work experience, both in academia and industry, our team has the skills to provide well-formed solutions that conform to the latest standards.

Best Practices

Our team is dedicated to developing with the latest industry standards and best practices to ensure we produce quality software. We believe in and practice well-documented, clean, and tested code backed by version control software. This results in source code that is easier to understand, run, and maintain.

Security Focused

As the pace of software development increases, more threat actors are using that rapid production as opportunities to attack vulnerabilities in code. We help safeguard software by taking a security-minded approach in our development lifecycle from day one.

Our staff have experience with many software languages and development environments. Bring in our expertise to help your researchers create or modify software to take advantage of the latest technology in advanced computation, web frameworks, data analysis and visualization, and data sharing and management. Our software development effort can be funded through grant awards or contracts based on developer time needed.

Where We Can Help

Website and Web Application Development

Our team of software engineers, project managers, and computational scientists can build websites and applications for bringing your research to the web. We have knowledge in a broad range of technologies such as PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, Vue.js, CSS, SQL, and HTML as well as extensive experience in web accessibility, UI/UX, and graphic design.

Research Software

With expert knowledge in a broad range of programming languages such as Python, C, R, and Matlab, our team of software engineers can assist with design, development, and optimization of research software.

High-Performance Computing

Our experts help researchers get the most out of RCAC's high performance computing (HPC) resources. We can help find the solution(s) faster with debugging programs, identifying bottlenecks, and optimizing code for performance.


The Envision Center provides computer graphics, advanced visualization, auditory (sound), haptic (touch), and multimodal interaction integrated with state-of-the-art high performance computation to assist researchers, instructors, and leaders in their quest for new knowledge and innovative products.

Examples of Our Work

We have helped researchers port or adapt their algorithms and tools to web portals such as those built on HUBzero. In collaboration with researchers, we developed a suite of hydrologic modeling and data analysis/visualization online tools, including the SWAT (Soil & Water Assessment Tool) model hosted on WaterHUB, used now in classrooms and research projects. We developed the StreamCI platform for sensor data collection, management, analysis and visualization to support plant sensors created in the Purdue's Plant Phenotyping Lab. We developed a suite of decision support tools for the Useful to Usable project (U2U) that were transitioned to the regional climate centers after the USDA project ended.

Here are some example projects in which we developed the solutions: