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software::software.applied filters:

Cutadapt finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 3.4 3.7

Cuttlefish is a fast, parallel, and very lightweight memory tool to construct the compacted de Bruijn graph from sequencing reads or reference sequences. It is highly scalable in terms of the size of the input data.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 2.1.1

Cyvcf2 is a cython wrapper around htslib built for fast parsing of Variant Call Format (VCF) files.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 0.30.14

DAS Tool is an automated method that integrates the results of a flexible number of binning algorithms to calculate an optimized, non-redundant set of bins from a single assembly.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 1.1.6

Dbg2olc is used for efficient assembly of large genomes using long erroneous reads of the third generation sequencing technologies.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 20180222 20200723

Debreak is a SV caller for long-read single-molecular sequencing data.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 1.3

DeconSeq: DECONtamination of SEQuence data using a modified version of BWA-SW. The DeconSeq tool can be used to automatically detect and efficiently remove sequence contamination from genomic and metagenomic datasets. It is easily configurable and provides a user-friendly interface.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 0.4.3

Deepbgc is a tool for BGC detection and classification using deep learning.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 0.1.26 0.1.30

DeepConsensus uses gap-aware sequence transformers to correct errors in Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) Circular Consensus Sequencing (CCS) data.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 0.2.0

Deepsignal2 is a deep-learning method for detecting DNA methylation state from Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 0.1.2

DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Bell: rocm4.2_ubuntu18.04_py3.6_pytorch_1.8.1
Negishi: rocm4.2_ubuntu18.04_py3.6_pytorch_1.8.1

DeepTools is a collection of user-friendly tools for normalization and visualization of deep-sequencing data.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 3.5.1-py

DeepVariant is a deep learning-based variant caller that takes aligned reads (in BAM or CRAM format), produces pileup image tensors from them, classifies each tensor using a convolutional neural network, and finally reports the results in a standard VCF or gVCF file.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 1.0.0 1.1.0

Delly is an integrated structural variant (SV) prediction method that can discover, genotype and visualize deletions, tandem duplications, inversions and translocations at single-nucleotide resolution in short-read massively parallel sequencing data.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 0.9.1 1.0.3 1.1.3 1.1.5 1.1.6

DendroPy is a Python library for phylogenetic computing. It provides classes and functions for the simulation, processing, and manipulation of phylogenetic trees and character matrices, and supports the reading and writing of phylogenetic data in a range of formats, such as NEXUS, NEWICK, NeXML, Phylip, FASTA, etc.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 4.5.2

Diamond is a sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA searches, designed for high performance analysis of big sequence data.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 2.0.13 2.0.14 2.0.15 2.1.6

dnaapler is a simple python program that takes a single nucleotide input sequence (in FASTA format), finds the desired start gene using blastx against an amino acid sequence database, checks that the start codon of this gene is found, and if so, then reorients the chromosome to begin with this gene on the forward strand.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 0.1.0

Dnaio is a Python 3.7+ library for very efficient parsing and writing of FASTQ and also FASTA files.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 0.8.1

Dragonflye is a pipeline that aims to make assembling Oxford Nanopore reads quick and easy.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 1.0.13 1.0.14

Drep is a python program for rapidly comparing large numbers of genomes.

Available Versions
Available Versions
Unspecified: 3.2.2