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Anvil as part of the NAIRR pilot program

RCAC Anvil Executive team
From Left: Arman Pazouki, Carol Song, Preston Smith, Rajesh Kalyanam

RCAC’s Anvil project has recently joined the NAIRR pilot as a resource provider, and the Anvil team is interested in supporting researchers on various NAIRR pilot-related opportunities:

1) Researchers can request an allocation on Anvil as part of the NAIRR pilot:  NAIRR Opportunities Allocations.
See below for more details on the allocation process.  

2) Researchers can leverage Anvil as part of their proposal submission for several NAIRR-related NSF Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) opportunities listed below. 

We hope that the Anvil system and our team of cyberinfrastructure, data, and AI experts can help differentiate and strengthen your proposal.

Need Help?

1) Submit a support request at

2) Contact us at to discuss your project idea, and how you can potentially leverage the Anvil team, the supercomputer system, or other NAIRR pilot resources.  

Anvil NAIRR allocation process

Once Anvil staff receive notification of approval of an Anvil NAIRR allocation from NAIRR, the PI and users will receive communication from Anvil staff on steps to get onto their Anvil NAIRR allocation. Please note that non-Purdue PI's and users will need to set up a Purdue account.

What is the NAIRR pilot program?

To find out more about the NAIRR pilot program please visit:

NSF Dear Colleague Letter: National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot Demonstration Projects

This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) announces NSF's interest in receiving Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) proposals and supplemental funding requests for NAIRR Demonstration Projects to highlight innovative use cases and technologies that make use of the NAIRR Pilot. NAIRR Pilot Demonstration Projects are multi-disciplinary efforts involving a team of AI researchers, domain scientists, and/or cyberinfrastructure specialists who are undertaking specific research challenges that innovatively use, integrate with, or rely on one or more NAIRR Pilot requestable resources. Demonstration Projects should result in prominent scientific publications and demonstrate potential capabilities of a future full NAIRR. Proposed projects should be submitted as supplemental funding requests from existing collaborative teams or as EAGER proposals from new collaborative teams to make innovative use of NAIRR resources to undertake ambitious, near-term research through demonstration projects. Deadline: July 10

NSF Dear Colleague Letter: National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot Training, Community, Outreach, and Classroom Education Project.

This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) announces the interest of NSF in receiving proposals that expand the NAIRR Pilot community under two different focus areas, one focus area on community outreach and training to new and emerging researchers, and the other focus area on educators bringing inclusive AI-educational experiences to classrooms nationwide. Submissions led by teams located in Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) jurisdictions or rural areas, and from Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) are encouraged. Awarded teams, as appropriate, may be expected to maintain coordination with the NAIRR Pilot Program Management Office and any relevant NAIRR Pilot Working Groups as described on