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Build your own LAMMPS

Link to section 'Build your own LAMMPS' of 'Build your own LAMMPS' Build your own LAMMPS

LAMMPS provides a very detailed instruction of Build LAMMPS with a lot of customization options. In the following sections, we provide basic installation instructions of how to install LAMMPS on Anvil, as well as a LAMMPS Installation Script for users who would like to build their own LAMMPS on Anvil:

Link to section 'Step 1: Download' of 'Build your own LAMMPS' Step 1: Download

LAMMPS is an open-source code, you can download LAMMPS as a tarball from LAMMPS download page. There are several versions available on the LAMMPS webpage, we strongly recommend downloading the latest released stable version and unzip and untar it. It will create a LAMMPS directory:

$ wget
$ tar -xzvf lammps-stable.tar.gz
$ ls 
lammps-23Jun2022 lammps-stable.tar.gz

Link to section 'Step 2: Build source code' of 'Build your own LAMMPS' Step 2: Build source code

LAMMPS provides two ways to build the source code: traditional configure && make method and the cmake method. These are two independent approaches and users should not mix them together. You can choose the one you are more familiar with.


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