Access to the Geddes Composable Platform is handled via the RCAC web portal. When access is purchased, a Rancher project with your research group's name will be created and managers will be able to click to give users access, similar to how access is managed for community clusters. Links to access Geddes via the Rancher UI and the command line (kubectl) are below.
Link to section 'Logging in to Rancher' of 'Rancher' Logging in to Rancher
To access the Geddes user interface, you must be on a Purdue campus network or connected through VPN.
Once connected to a Purdue network, the Geddes Rancher interface can be accessed via a web browser at Log in by choosing "log in with shibboleth" and using Purdue Login at the login screen.
Link to section 'Configuring local kubectl access with Kubeconfig file' of 'Kubectl' Configuring local kubectl access with Kubeconfig file
kubectl can be installed and ran on your local machine to perform various actions against the Kubernetes cluster using the API server.
These tools authenticate to Kubernetes using information stored in a kubeconfig file.
To begin accessing Geddes via Kubectl you must first gather your rancher generated Kubeconfig file and set up your local .kube
- From anywhere in the Rancher UI navigate to the top right and click on either Download KubeConfig or Copy KubeConfig to Clipboard
- Create a directory in your home directory (
) called.kube
- Change into the newly created directory and copy the file or contents of KubeConfig from earlier into a file called config
- Create a directory in your home directory (
- Test connections to the Geddes cluster
- To look at the current config settings we just set use
$ kubectl config view
- Now let’s list the available resource types present in the API with
$ kubectl api-resources
- To look at the current config settings we just set use
To see more options of kubectl, review the Kubernetes' kubectl cheatsheet.
Link to section 'Accessing kubectl in the rancher web UI' of 'Kubectl' Accessing kubectl in the rancher web UI
You can launch a kubectl command window from within the Rancher UI by selecting
the Kubectl Shell button at the top right or using the hotkey (CTL + `
This will deploy a container in the cluster with kubectl installed and give you
an interactive window to use the command from.