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How can I get email alerts about my PBS job status?

Link to section 'Question' of 'How can I get email alerts about my PBS job status?' Question

How can I be notified when my PBS job was executed and if it completed successfully?

Link to section 'Answer' of 'How can I get email alerts about my PBS job status?' Answer

Submit your job with the following command line arguments

qsub -M email_address -m bea myjobsubmissionfile

Or, include the following in your job submission file.

#PBS -M email_address                                                  
#PBS -m bae                                                                         

The -m option can have the following letters; "a", "b", and "e":

a - mail is sent when the job is aborted by the batch system.
b - mail is sent when the job begins execution.
e - mail is sent when the job terminates.


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