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Common errors and solutions/work-arounds for them.

/usr/bin/xauth: error in locking authority file

Link to section 'Problem' of '/usr/bin/xauth: error in locking authority file' Problem

I receive this message when logging in:

/usr/bin/xauth: error in locking authority file

Link to section 'Solution' of '/usr/bin/xauth: error in locking authority file' Solution

Your home directory disk quota is full. You may check your quota with myquota.

You will need to free up space in your home directory.

ncdu command is a convenient interactive tool to examine disk usage. Consider running ncdu $HOME to analyze where the bulk of the usage is. With this knowledge, you could then archive your data elsewhere (e.g. your research group's Data Depot space, or Fortress tape archive), or delete files you no longer need.

There are several common locations that tend to grow large over time and are merely cached downloads.  The following are safe to delete if you see them in the output of ncdu $HOME:


My SSH connection hangs

Link to section 'Problem' of 'My SSH connection hangs' Problem

Your console hangs while trying to connect to a RCAC Server.

Link to section 'Solution' of 'My SSH connection hangs' Solution

This can happen due to various reasons. Most common reasons for hanging SSH terminals are:

  • Network: If you are connected over wifi, make sure that your Internet connection is fine.
  • Busy front-end server: When you connect to a cluster, you SSH to one of the front-end login nodes. Due to transient user loads, one or more of the front-ends may become unresponsive for a short while. To avoid this, try reconnecting to the cluster or wait until the login node you have connected to has reduced load.
  • File system issue: If a server has issues with one or more of the file systems (home, scratch, or depot) it may freeze your terminal. To avoid this you can connect to another front-end.

If neither of the suggestions above work, please contact support specifying the name of the server where your console is hung.

Thinlinc session frozen

Link to section 'Problem' of 'Thinlinc session frozen' Problem

Your Thinlinc session is frozen and you can not launch any commands or close the session.

Link to section 'Solution' of 'Thinlinc session frozen' Solution

This can happen due to various reasons. The most common reason is that you ran something memory-intensive inside that Thinlinc session on a front-end, so parts of the Thinlinc session got killed by Cgroups, and the entire session got stuck.

  • If you are using a web-version Thinlinc remote desktop (inside the browser):

    The web version does not have the capability to kill the existing session, only the standalone client does. Please install the standalone client and follow the steps below:


  • If you are using a Thinlinc client:

    Close the ThinLinc client, reopen the client login popup, and select End existing session.

    ThinLinc Login Popup
    Select "End existing session" and try "Connect" again.

Thinlinc session unreachable

Link to section 'Problem' of 'Thinlinc session unreachable' Problem

When trying to login to Thinlinc and re-connect to your existing session, you receive an error "Your Thinlinc session is currently unreachable".

Link to section 'Solution' of 'Thinlinc session unreachable' Solution

This can happen if the specific login node your existing remote desktop session was residing on is currently offline or down, so Thinlinc can not reconnect to your existing session.  Most often the session is non-recoverable at this point, so the solution is to terminate your existing Thinlinc desktop session and start a new one.

  • If you are using a web-version Thinlinc remote desktop (inside the browser):

    The web version does not have the capability to kill the existing session, only the standalone client does. Please install the standalone client and follow the steps below:


  • If you are using a Thinlinc client:

    Close the ThinLinc client, reopen the client login popup, and select End existing session.

    ThinLinc Login Popup
    Select "End existing session" and try "Connect" again.

How to disable Thinlinc screensaver

Link to section 'Problem' of 'How to disable Thinlinc screensaver' Problem

Your ThinLinc desktop is locked after being idle for a while, and it asks for a password to refresh it. It means the "screensaver" and "lock screen" functions are turned on, but you want to disable these functions.

Link to section 'Solution' of 'How to disable Thinlinc screensaver' Solution

If your screen is locked, close the ThinLinc client, reopen the client login popup, and select End existing session.

ThinLinc Login Popup
Select "End existing session" and try "Connect" again.

To permanently avoid screen lock issue, right click desktop and select Applications, then settings, and select Screensaver.

ThinLinc Screensaver
Select "Applications", then "settings", and select "Screensaver".

Under Screensaver, turn off the Enable Screensaver, then under Lock Screen, turn off the Enable Lock Screen, and close the window.

ThinLinc Disable Screensaver
Under "Screensaver" tab, turn off the "Enable Screensaver" option.
ThinLinc Disable Lock Screen
Under "Lock Screen" tab, turn off the "Enable Lock Screen" option.

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