Article #744: Research Data Depot Security Updates
As of 3:15 pm the maintenance is complete and Research Data Depot is returned to full production. Original message: The storage servers powering the R...
As of 3:15 pm the maintenance is complete and Research Data Depot is returned to full production. Original message: The storage servers powering the R...
Most of the impact of this turned out to be to the Depot storage system, which has now been restored to normal operations. All the other affected sys...
Engineering Computing Network (ECN) will be performing staged patching and reboots of all of ECN's RedHat Linux workstations and servers to protect ag...
The scratch storage on Carter and Scholar has been returned to normal operations. The rebuild process will be continuing in the background, so we wil...
A new web-based quota monitoring tool is available to all Research Cluster and Data Depot users. This tool is a web equivalent of the myquota tool on...
The Isilon filesystem was restored to normal service and all affected clusters had it remounted as quickly as was sustainable by the filesystem. This...
Carter and Scholar are back online for use as of 6:25am, though they will be operating with many nodes still offline. Staff will be working through W...
Engineering Computing Network (ECN) will be performing scheduled maintenance this weekend on several ECN server resulting in their unavailability for...
We have seen a significant wave of these events this morning, September 21. For the most part, this wave seems to have been linked to a storage probl...
During the Home Filesystem Maintenance - All Clusters maintenance on September 27th, several upgrades and changes will be made to the software stack o...
Conte has been returned to normal operations as well now. This concludes the home directory maintenance on all systems. Update: September 27, 2016 1...
The Carter Cluster was returned to production at 10:45pm on November 7. We apologize for this extended outage. Update: November 7, 2016 6:01pm Work...
The Scholar cluster will be unavailable beginning at Thursday, January 5th, 2017 at 8:00am EST, for scheduled maintenance. The cluster will return to...
Carter, Conte, Hammer, Hathi, Rice, Scholar, and Snyder have been converted to hierarchical modules. All front-ends have been converted, and nodes wil...
Due to a recent security vulnerability, the Carter, Halstead, Hammer, Radon, Rice, Scholar, and Snyder clusters will have their operating system upgra...
The scratch filesystems serving Carter, Hammer, Rice, Scholar, and Snyder started behaving abnormally this morning. This may have affected some jobs,...
UPDATE: As of 11:45a, the Scholar cluster maintenance was completed. Cluster is back in service. The Scholar cluster will be unavailable beginning o...
The Hammer, Rice, Scholar, and Snyder clusters have been returned to service. Please note that Thinlinc clients and web browser access can be found at...
The transition to hierarchy modules has completed today, May 9th. If any of your job scripts still have old module names the module load will no longe...
After a long review, Research Computing has determined it is necessary to alter the scratch storage purge policy on all systems. Effective August 28,...