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Specific Applications

The following examples demonstrate job submission files for some common real-world applications.

See the Generic SLURM Examples section for more examples on job submissions that can be adapted for use.


Python is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. We suggest using Anaconda which is a Python distribution made for large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing. For example, to use the default Anaconda distribution:

$ module load anaconda

For a full list of available Anaconda and Python modules enter:

$ module spider anaconda

Example Python Jobs

This section illustrates how to submit a small Python job to a PBS queue.

Link to section 'Example 1: Hello world' of 'Example Python Jobs' Example 1: Hello world

Prepare a Python input file with an appropriate filename, here named


import string, sys
print "Hello, world!"

Prepare a job submission file with an appropriate filename, here named myjob.sub:

# FILENAME:  myjob.sub

module load anaconda


Basic knowledge about Batch Jobs.

Hello, world!

Link to section 'Example 2: Matrix multiply' of 'Example Python Jobs' Example 2: Matrix multiply

Save the following script as

# Matrix multiplication program

x = [[3,1,4],[1,5,9],[2,6,5]]
y = [[3,5,8,9],[7,9,3,2],[3,8,4,6]]

result = [[sum(a*b for a,b in zip(x_row,y_col)) for y_col in zip(*y)] for x_row in x]

for r in result:

Change the last line in the job submission file above to read:


The standard output file from this job will result in the following matrix:

[28, 56, 43, 53]
[65, 122, 59, 73]
[63, 104, 54, 60]

Link to section 'Example 3: Sine wave plot using numpy and matplotlib packages' of 'Example Python Jobs' Example 3: Sine wave plot using numpy and matplotlib packages

Save the following script as

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 201)
plt.plot(x, np.sin(x))
plt.xlabel('Angle [rad]')

Change your job submission file to submit this script and the job will output a png file and blank standard output and error files.

For more information about Python:

Installing Packages

We recommend installing Python packages in an Anaconda environment. One key advantage of Anaconda is that it allows users to install unrelated packages in separate self-contained environments. Individual packages can later be reinstalled or updated without impacting others.

To facilitate the process of creating and using Conda environments, we support a script (conda-env-mod) that generates a module file for an environment, as well as an optional Jupyter kernel to use this environment in a Jupyter.

You must load one of the anaconda modules in order to use this script.

$ module load anaconda/2021.05-py38

Step-by-step instructions for installing custom Python packages are presented below.

Link to section 'Step 1: Create a conda environment' of 'Installing Packages' Step 1: Create a conda environment

Users can use the conda-env-mod script to create an empty conda environment. This script needs either a name or a path for the desired environment. After the environment is created, it generates a module file for using it in future. Please note that conda-env-mod is different from the official conda-env script and supports a limited set of subcommands. Detailed instructions for using conda-env-mod can be found with the command conda-env-mod --help.

  • Example 1: Create a conda environment named mypackages in user's home directory.

    $ conda-env-mod create -n mypackages -y

    Including the -y option lets you skip the prompt to install the package.

  • Example 2: Create a conda environment named mypackages at a custom location.

    $ conda-env-mod create -p $PROJECT/apps/mypackages -y

    Please follow the on-screen instructions while the environment is being created. After finishing, the script will print the instructions to use this environment.

    ... ... ...
    Preparing transaction: ...working... done
    Verifying transaction: ...working... done
    Executing transaction: ...working... done
    | To use this environment, load the following modules:          |
    |     module use $HOME/privatemodules                           |
    |     module load conda-env/mypackages-py3.8.8                  |
    | (then standard 'conda install' / 'pip install' / run scripts) |
    Your environment "mypackages" was created successfully.

Note down the module names, as you will need to load these modules every time you want to use this environment. You may also want to add the module load lines in your jobscript, if it depends on custom Python packages.

By default, module files are generated in your $HOME/privatemodules directory. The location of module files can be customized by specifying the -m /path/to/modules option.

  • Example 3: Create a conda environment named labpackages in your group's $PROJECT folder and place the module file at a shared location for the group to use.
    $ conda-env-mod create -p $PROJECT/apps/mypackages -m $PROJECT/etc/modules
    ... ... ...
    Preparing transaction: ...working... done
    Verifying transaction: ...working... done
    Executing transaction: ...working... done
    | To use this environment, load the following modules:           |
    |     module use /anvil/projects/x-mylab/etc/modules             |
    |     module load conda-env/mypackages-py3.8.8                   |
    | (then standard 'conda install' / 'pip install' / run scripts)  |
    Your environment "labpackages" was created successfully.

If you used a custom module file location, you need to run the module use command as printed by the script.

By default, only the environment and a module file are created (no Jupyter kernel). If you plan to use your environment in a Jupyter, you need to append a --jupyter flag to the above commands.

  • Example 4: Create a Jupyter-enabled conda environment named labpackages in your group's $PROJECT folder and place the module file at a shared location for the group to use.
    $ conda-env-mod create -p $PROJECT/apps/mypackages/labpackages -m $PROJECT/etc/modules --jupyter
    ... ... ...
    Jupyter kernel created: "Python (My labpackages Kernel)"
    ... ... ...
    Your environment "labpackages" was created successfully.

Link to section 'Step 2: Load the conda environment' of 'Installing Packages' Step 2: Load the conda environment

  • The following instructions assume that you have used conda-env-mod to create an environment named mypackages (Examples 1 or 2 above). If you used conda create instead, please use conda activate mypackages.

    $ module use $HOME/privatemodules   
    $ module load conda-env/mypackages-py3.8.8

    Note that the conda-env module name includes the Python version that it supports (Python 3.8.8 in this example). This is same as the Python version in the anaconda module.

  • If you used a custom module file location (Example 3 above), please use module use to load the conda-env module.

    $ module use /anvil/projects/x-mylab/etc/modules   
    $ module load conda-env/mypackages-py3.8.8

Link to section 'Step 3: Install packages' of 'Installing Packages' Step 3: Install packages

Now you can install custom packages in the environment using either conda install or pip install.

Link to section 'Installing with conda' of 'Installing Packages' Installing with conda

  • Example 1: Install OpenCV (open-source computer vision library) using conda.

    $ conda install opencv
  • Example 2: Install a specific version of OpenCV using conda.

    $ conda install opencv=3.1.0
  • Example 3: Install OpenCV from a specific anaconda channel.

    $ conda install -c anaconda opencv

Link to section 'Installing with pip' of 'Installing Packages' Installing with pip

  • Example 4: Install mpi4py using pip.

    $ pip install mpi4py
  • Example 5: Install a specific version of mpi4py using pip.

    $ pip install mpi4py==3.0.3

    Follow the on-screen instructions while the packages are being installed. If installation is successful, please proceed to the next section to test the packages.

Note: Do NOT run Pip with the --user argument, as that will install packages in a different location.

Link to section 'Step 4: Test the installed packages' of 'Installing Packages' Step 4: Test the installed packages

To use the installed Python packages, you must load the module for your conda environment. If you have not loaded the conda-env module, please do so following the instructions at the end of Step 1.

$ module use $HOME/privatemodules   
$ module load conda-env/mypackages-py3.8.8
  • Example 1: Test that OpenCV is available.
    $ python -c "import cv2; print(cv2.__version__)"
  • Example 2: Test that mpi4py is available.
    $ python -c "import mpi4py; print(mpi4py.__version__)"

If the commands are finished without errors, then the installed packages can be used in your program.

Link to section 'Additional capabilities of conda-env-mod' of 'Installing Packages' Additional capabilities of conda-env-mod

The conda-env-mod tool is intended to facilitate the creation of a minimal Anaconda environment, matching module file, and optionally a Jupyter kernel. Once created, the environment can then be accessed via familiar module load command, tuned and expanded as necessary. Additionally, the script provides several auxiliary functions to help manage environments, module files, and Jupyter kernels.

General usage for the tool adheres to the following pattern:

$ conda-env-mod help
$ conda-env-mod   [optional arguments]

where required arguments are one of

  • -n|--name ENV_NAME (name of the environment)
  • -p|--prefix ENV_PATH (location of the environment)

and optional arguments further modify behavior for specific actions (e.g. -m to specify alternative location for generated module file).

Given a required name or prefix for an environment, the conda-env-mod script supports the following subcommands:

  • create - to create a new environment, its corresponding module file and optional Jupyter kernel.
  • delete - to delete existing environment along with its module file and Jupyter kernel.
  • module - to generate just the module file for a given existing environment.
  • kernel - to generate just the Jupyter kernel for a given existing environment (note that the environment has to be created with a --jupyter option).
  • help - to display script usage help.

Using these subcommands, you can iteratively fine-tune your environments, module files and Jupyter kernels, as well as delete and re-create them with ease. Below we cover several commonly occurring scenarios.

Link to section 'Generating module file for an existing environment' of 'Installing Packages' Generating module file for an existing environment

If you already have an existing configured Anaconda environment and want to generate a module file for it, follow appropriate examples from Step 1 above, but use the module subcommand instead of the create one. E.g.

$ conda-env-mod module -n mypackages

and follow printed instructions on how to load this module. With an optional --jupyter flag, a Jupyter kernel will also be generated.

Note that if you intend to proceed with a Jupyter kernel generation (via the --jupyter flag or a kernel subcommand later), you will have to ensure that your environment has ipython and ipykernel packages installed into it. To avoid this and other related complications, we highly recommend making a fresh environment using a suitable conda-env-mod create .... --jupyter command instead.

Link to section 'Generating Jupyter kernel for an existing environment' of 'Installing Packages' Generating Jupyter kernel for an existing environment

If you already have an existing configured Anaconda environment and want to generate a Jupyter kernel file for it, you can use the kernel subcommand. E.g.

$ conda-env-mod kernel -n mypackages

This will add a "Python (My mypackages Kernel)" item to the dropdown list of available kernels upon your next time use Jupyter.

Note that generated Jupiter kernels are always personal (i.e. each user has to make their own, even for shared environments). Note also that you (or the creator of the shared environment) will have to ensure that your environment has ipython and ipykernel packages installed into it.

Link to section 'Managing and using shared Python environments' of 'Installing Packages' Managing and using shared Python environments

Here is a suggested workflow for a common group-shared Anaconda environment with Jupyter capabilities:

The PI or lab software manager:

  • Creates the environment and module file (once):

    $ module purge
    $ module load anaconda
    $ conda-env-mod create -p $PROJECT/apps/labpackages -m $PROJECT/etc/modules --jupyter
  • Installs required Python packages into the environment (as many times as needed):

    $ module use /anvil/projects/x-mylab/etc/modules
    $ module load conda-env/labpackages-py3.8.8
    $ conda install  .......                       # all the necessary packages

Lab members:

  • Lab members can start using the environment in their command line scripts or batch jobs simply by loading the corresponding module:

    $ module use /anvil/projects/x-mylab/etc/modules
    $ module load conda-env/labpackages-py3.8.8
    $ python .....
  • To use the environment in Jupyter, each lab member will need to create his/her own Jupyter kernel (once). This is because Jupyter kernels are private to individuals, even for shared environments.

    $ module use /anvil/projects/x-mylab/etc/modules
    $ module load conda-env/labpackages-py3.8.8
    $ conda-env-mod kernel -p $PROJECT/apps/labpackages

A similar process can be devised for instructor-provided or individually-managed class software, etc.

Link to section 'Troubleshooting' of 'Installing Packages' Troubleshooting

  • Python packages often fail to install or run due to dependency with other packages. More specifically, if you previously installed packages in your home directory it is safer to clean those installations.
    $ mv ~/.local ~/.local.bak
    $ mv ~/.cache ~/.cache.bak
  • Unload all the modules.
    $ module purge
  • Clean up PYTHONPATH.
    $ unset PYTHONPATH
  • Next load the modules (e.g. anaconda) that you need.
    $ module load anaconda/2021.05-py38
    $ module module use $HOME/privatemodules 
    $ module load conda-env/mypackages-py3.8.8
  • Now try running your code again.
  • Few applications only run on specific versions of Python (e.g. Python 3.6). Please check the documentation of your application if that is the case.


Note: Singularity was originally a project out of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It has now been spun off into a distinct offering under a new corporate entity under the name Sylabs Inc. This guide pertains to the open source community edition, SingularityCE.

Link to section 'What is Singularity?' of 'Singularity' What is Singularity?

Singularity is a powerful tool allowing the portability and reproducibility of operating system and application environments through the use of Linux containers. It gives users complete control over their environment.

Singularity is like Docker but tuned explicitly for HPC clusters. More information is available from the project’s website.

Link to section 'Features' of 'Singularity' Features

  • Run the latest applications on an Ubuntu or Centos userland
  • Gain access to the latest developer tools
  • Launch MPI programs easily
  • Much more

Singularity’s user guide is available at:

Link to section 'Example' of 'Singularity' Example

Here is an example of downloading a pre-built Docker container image, converting it into Singularity format and running it on Anvil:

$ singularity pull docker://sylabsio/lolcow:latest
INFO:    Converting OCI blobs to SIF format
INFO:    Starting build...
INFO:    Creating SIF file...

$ singularity exec lolcow_latest.sif cowsay "Hello, world"
< Hello, world >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

Link to section 'Anvil Cluster Specific Notes' of 'Singularity' Anvil Cluster Specific Notes

All service providers will integrate Singularity slightly differently depending on site. The largest customization will be which default files are inserted into your images so that routine services will work.

Services we configure for your images include DNS settings and account information. File systems we overlay into your images are your home directory, scratch, project space, datasets, and application file systems.

Here is a list of paths:

  • /etc/resolv.conf
  • /etc/hosts
  • /home/$USER
  • /apps
  • /anvil (including /anvil/scratch, /anvil/projects, and /anvil/datasets)

This means that within the container environment these paths will be present and the same as outside the container. The /apps and /anvil directories will need to exist inside your container to work properly.

Link to section 'Creating Singularity Images' of 'Singularity' Creating Singularity Images

Due to how singularity containers work, you must have root privileges to build an image. Once you have a singularity container image built on your own system, you can copy the image file up to the cluster (you do not need root privileges to run the container).

You can find information and documentation for how to install and use singularity on your system:

We have version 3.8.0 on the cluster. You will most likely not be able to run any container built with any singularity past that version. So be sure to follow the installation guide for version 3.8 on your system.

$ singularity --version
singularity version 3.8.0-1.el8

Everything you need on how to build a container is available from their user-guide. Below are merely some quick tips for getting your own containers built for Anvil.

You can use a Container Recipe to both build your container and share its specification with collaborators (for the sake of reproducibility). Here is a simplistic example of such a file:

# FILENAME: Buildfile

Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu:18.04

    apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
    mkdir /apps /anvil

To build the image itself:

$ sudo singularity build ubuntu-18.04.sif Buildfile

The challenge with this approach however is that it must start from scratch if you decide to change something. In order to create a container image iteratively and interactively, you can use the --sandbox option.

$ sudo singularity build --sandbox ubuntu-18.04 docker://ubuntu:18.04

This will not create a flat image file but a directory tree (i.e., a folder), the contents of which are the container's filesystem. In order to get a shell inside the container that allows you to modify it, user the --writable option.

$ sudo singularity shell --writable ubuntu-18.04
Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...

Singularity ubuntu-18.04.sandbox:~>

You can then proceed to install any libraries, software, etc. within the container. Then to create the final image file, exit the shell and call the build command once more on the sandbox.

$ sudo singularity build ubuntu-18.04.sif ubuntu-18.04

Finally, copy the new image to Anvil and run it.

Distributed Deep Learning with Horovod

Link to section 'What is Horovod?' of 'Distributed Deep Learning with Horovod' What is Horovod?

Horovod is a framework originally developed by Uber for distributed deep learning. While a traditionally laborious process, Horovod makes it easy to scale up training scripts from single GPU to multi-GPU processes with minimal code changes. Horovod enables quick experimentation while also ensuring efficient scaling, making it an attractive choice for multi-GPU work.

Link to section 'Installing Horovod' of 'Distributed Deep Learning with Horovod' Installing Horovod

Before continuing, ensure you have loaded the following modules by running:

ml modtree/gpu
ml learning

Next, load the module for the machine learning framework you are using. Examples for tensorflow and pytorch are below:

ml ml-toolkit-gpu/tensorflow
ml ml-toolkit-gpu/pytorch

Create or activate the environment you want Horovod to be installed in then install the following dependencies:

pip install pyparsing
pip install filelock

Finally, install Horovod. The following command will install Horovod with support for both Tensorflow and Pytorch, but if you do not need both simply remove the HOROVOD_WITH_...=1 part of the command.

HOROVOD_WITH_TENSORFLOW=1 HOROVOD_WITH_TORCH=1 pip install horovod[all-frameworks]

Link to section 'Submitting Jobs' of 'Distributed Deep Learning with Horovod' Submitting Jobs

It is highly recommended that you run Horovod within batch jobs instead of interactive jobs. For information about how to format a submission file and submit a batch job, please reference Batch Jobs. Ensure you load the modules listed above as well as your environment in the submission script.

Finally, this line will actually launch your Horovod script inside your job. You will need to limit the number of processes to the number of GPUs you requested.

horovodrun -np {number_of_gpus} python {path/to/training/}

An example usage of this is as follows for 4 GPUs and a file called

horovodrun -np 4 python

Link to section 'Writing Horovod Code' of 'Distributed Deep Learning with Horovod' Writing Horovod Code

It is relatively easy to incorporate Horovod into existing training scripts. The main additional elements you need to incorporate are listed below (syntax for use with pytorch), but much more information, including syntax for other frameworks, can be found on the Horovod website.

#import required horovod framework -- e.g. for pytorch:
import horovod.torch as hvd

# Initialize Horovod

# Pin to a GPU
if torch.cuda.is_available():

#Split dataset among workers
train_sampler =
    train_dataset, num_replicas=hvd.size(), rank=hvd.rank())

#Build Model

#Wrap optimizer with Horovod DistributedOptimizer
optimizer = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer, named_parameters=model.named_parameters())

#Broadcast initial variable states from first worker to all others
hvd.broadcast_parameters(model.state_dict(), root_rank=0)

#Train model


This shows an example job submission file for running Gromacs on Anvil. The Gromacs versions can be changed depends on the available modules on Anvil.

# FILENAME:  myjobsubmissionfile

#SBATCH -A myallocation # Allocation name (run 'mybalance' command to find) 
#SBATCH -p shared    #Queue (partition) name
#SBATCH --nodes=1 # Total # of nodes 
#SBATCH --ntasks=16 # Total # of MPI tasks 
#SBATCH --time=96:00:00 # Total run time limit (hh:mm:ss) 
#SBATCH --job-name myjob # Job name 
#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j    # Name of stdout output file
#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j    # Name of stderr error file

# Manage processing environment, load compilers and applications.
module --force purge
module load gcc/11.2.0
module load openmpi/4.0.6
module load gromacs/2021.2
module list

# Launch md jobs
#energy minimizations
mpirun -np 1 gmx_mpi grompp -f minim.mdp -c myjob.gro -p -o em.tpr
mpirun gmx_mpi mdrun -v -deffnm em
#nvt run 
mpirun -np 1 gmx_mpi grompp -f nvt.mdp -c em.gro -r em.gro -p -o nvt.tpr
mpirun gmx_mpi mdrun -deffnm nvt
#npt run 
mpirun -np 1 gmx_mpi grompp -f npt.mdp -c nvt.gro -r nvt.gro -t nvt.cpt -p -o npt.tpr
mpirun gmx_mpi mdrun -deffnm npt
#md run
mpirun -np 1 gmx_mpi grompp -f md.mdp -c npt.gro -t npt.cpt -p -o md.tpr
mpirun gmx_mpi mdrun -deffnm md

The GPU version of Gromacs was available within ngc container on Anvil. Here is an example job script.

# FILENAME:  myjobsubmissionfile

#SBATCH -A myallocation-gpu # Allocation name (run 'mybalance' command to find) 
#SBATCH -p gpu   #Queue (partition) name
#SBATCH --nodes=1 # Total # of nodes 
#SBATCH --ntasks=16 # Total # of MPI tasks
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=1 #Total # of GPUs
#SBATCH --time=96:00:00 # Total run time limit (hh:mm:ss) 
#SBATCH --job-name myjob # Job name 
#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j    # Name of stdout output file
#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j    # Name of stderr error file

# Manage processing environment, load compilers and applications.
module --force purge
module load modtree/gpu
module load ngc
module load gromacs
module list

# Launch md jobs
#energy minimizations
gmx grompp -f minim.mdp -c myjob.gro -p -o em.tpr
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm em -ntmpi 4 -ntomp 4
#nvt run 
gmx grompp -f nvt.mdp -c em.gro -r em.gro -p -o nvt.tpr
gmx mdrun -deffnm nvt -ntmpi 4 -ntomp 4 -nb gpu -bonded gpu
#npt run 
gmx grompp -f npt.mdp -c nvt.gro -r nvt.gro -t nvt.cpt -p -o npt.tpr
gmx mdrun -deffnm npt -ntmpi 4 -ntomp 4 -nb gpu -bonded gpu
#md run
gmx grompp -f md.mdp -c npt.gro -t npt.cpt -p -o md.tpr
gmx mdrun -deffnm md -ntmpi 4 -ntomp 4 -nb gpu -bonded gpu


This shows an example of a job submission file for running Anvil-built VASP with MPI jobs:

# FILENAME:  myjobsubmissionfile

#SBATCH -A myallocation # Allocation name
#SBATCH --nodes=2       # Total # of nodes 
#SBATCH --ntasks=256    # Total # of MPI tasks
#SBATCH --time=1:30:00  # Total run time limit (hh:mm:ss)
#SBATCH -J myjobname    # Job name
#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j    # Name of stdout output file
#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j    # Name of stderr error file
#SBATCH -p wholenode    # Queue (partition) name

# Manage processing environment, load compilers and applications.
module purge
module load gcc/11.2.0  openmpi/4.1.6
module load vasp/5.4.4.pl2  # or module load vasp/6.3.0
module list

# Launch MPI code 
srun -n $SLURM_NTASKS --kill-on-bad-exit vasp_std # or mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS vasp_std

Windows Virtual Machine

Few scientific applications (such as ArcGIS, Tableau Desktop, etc.) can only be run in the Windows operating system. In order to facilitate research that uses these applications, Anvil provides an Open OnDemand application to launch a Windows virtual machine (VM) on Anvil compute nodes. The virtual machine is created using the QEMU/KVM emulator and it currently runs the Windows 11 professional operating system.

Link to section 'Important notes' of 'Windows Virtual Machine' Important notes

  • The base Windows VM does not have any pre-installed applications and users must install their desired applications inside the VM.
  • If the application requires a license, the researchers must purchase their own license and acquire a copy of the software.
  • When you launch the Windows VM, it creates a copy of the VM in your scratch space. Any modifications you make to the VM (e.g. installing additional software) will be saved on your private copy and will persist across jobs.
  • All Anvil filesystems ($HOME, $PROJECT, and $CLUSTER_SCRATCH) are available inside the VM as network drives. You can directly operate on files in your $CLUSTER_SCRATCH.

Link to section 'How to launch Windows VM on Anvil' of 'Windows Virtual Machine' How to launch Windows VM on Anvil

  1. First login to the Anvil OnDemand portal using your ACCESS credentials.
  2. From the top menu go to Interactive Applications -> Windows11 Professional.
  3. In the next page, specify your allocation, queue, walltime, and number of cores. Currently, you must select all 128 cores on a node to run Windows VM. This is to avoid resource conflict among shared jobs.
  4. Click Launch.
  5. At this point, Open OnDemand will submit a job to the Anvil scheduler and wait for allocation.
  6. Once the job starts, you will be presented with a button to connect to the VNC server.
  7. Click on Launch Windows11 Professional to connect to the VNC display. You may initially see a Linux desktop which will eventually be replaced by the Windows desktop.
  8. A popup notification will show you the default username and password for the Windows VM. Please note this down. When you login to Windows for the first time, you can change the username and password to your desired username and password.
  9. Note that it may take upto 5 minutes for the Windows VM to launch properly. This is partly due to the large amount of memory allocated to the VM (216GB). Please wait patiently.
  10. Once you see the Windows desktop ready, you can proceed with your simulation or workflow.

Windows11 desktop 

Link to section 'Advanced use-cases' of 'Windows Virtual Machine' Advanced use-cases

If your workfow requires a different version of Windows, or if you need to launch a personal copy of Windows from a non-standard location, please send a support request from the ACCESS Support portal.


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