Article #1324: License server migration
Starting July 22 the RCAC license server charter.rcac will be migrating to a new host, license-00.rcac. This will not disrupt any services and no act...
Starting July 22 the RCAC license server charter.rcac will be migrating to a new host, license-00.rcac. This will not disrupt any services and no act...
To facilitate various types of workloads, to reduce wait time in the queues, and to improve GPU utilization on Gilbreth, we have made several changes...
We are pleased to announce that Gilbreth’s burst buffer scratch file system is now open for beta testing. This file system, which augments the normal...
Research Computing is pleased to announce the availability of Research Lab folders to facilitate easy data sharing and collaboration. Box Rese...
An interactive HPC web portal, dubbed Gateway, has been deployed on the Community Clusters. Gateway is an open-source HPC portal, called Open OnDemand...
An interactive HPC web portal, dubbed Gateway, has been deployed on the Community Clusters. Gateway is an open-source HPC portal, called Open OnDemand...
Gilbreth's Gateway is an open-source HPC portal developed by the Ohio Supercomputing Center. Open OnDemand allows one to interact with HPC resources t...
Starting Monday, February 11, 2019, login access to the community clusters from off-campus will require using Purdue's virtual private network (VPN)....
Research Computing has been assessing how to approach the Meltdown and Spectre security vulnerabilities discovered in Intel processors for some time....
The Data Depot server "", which was set up as a temporary solution for Samba protocol mismatch between Data Depot...
With the migration of the Halstead, Snyder, and Rice clusters to CentOS7, the configuration of the NetCDF related modules has changed. You no longer...
In order to continue to offer a current computational platform for CMS research at Purdue, the Hammer Community Cluster will receive an operating syst...
The Halstead, Rice, and Snyder clusters will be upgraded to newer CentOS7 operating system in May 2018 (detailed announcements in: Rice Upgrade to Cen...
The Halstead and HalsteadGPU scratch storage will be moving to a new storage system over Thursday, April 12, 2018. There will not be any automatic tra...
In order to continue to offer a current computational platform for research at Purdue, Snyder is going to receive a complete upgrade to CentOS7 - the...
In order to continue to offer a current computational platform for research at Purdue, Halstead is going to receive a complete upgrade to CentOS7 - th...
In order to continue to offer a current computational platform for research at Purdue, Rice is going to receive a complete upgrade to CentOS7 - the Co...
The Brown cluster's GPU nodes have entered friendly-user mode, and are available for purchase. To make the cost of the GPUs more affordable, ITaP is p...
Faculty and staff interested in learning more about how virtual and augmented reality technology can transform research and teaching are invited to at...
Purdue University will be observing a holiday break from December 23 - January 2. During this time, Research Computing services will continue to be av...