Article #2737: Scholar access outage
A large number of Scholar accounts have been accidentally removed during overnight processing. This manifests as "LDAP authorization check failed...
A large number of Scholar accounts have been accidentally removed during overnight processing. This manifests as "LDAP authorization check failed...
The Bell, Brown, Gilbreth, Halstead, Rice, Scholar, and Snyder clusters began experiencing issues with their Data Depot mounts around 10:00pm EST. Eng...
On Sunday, December 27th, 2020, ITaP staff will perform major upgrades to the central authentication infrastructure. All applications that require log...
Research Computing personnel will observe the university winter break from 5:00pm EST EST on Friday, December 18th, 2020, and will resume normal busin...
The Scholar cluster will be taken down for regular inter-semester maintenance and upgrades starting at Wednesday, December 16th, 2020 at 8:00am EST. A...
Most of the research computing clusters (Brown, Gilbreth, Halstead, Hammer, Rice, Scholar, Snyder, WCERES, Workbench, and WSC Hadoop) as well as some...
The Scholar cluster will be taken down for a short maintenance on Thursday, August 20th, 2020 at 10:00am EDT. During this maintenance, we will apply p...
During Aug 17-20th, 2020, due to immediate security concerns, we will be changing community cluster access to require BoilerKey two-factor authenticat...
As of 12:30pm EDT all the clusters are back in production. If your job crashed during the outage, please resubmit it. We are currently experiencing a...
As explained in the news article on Requiring BoilerKey or SSH key authentication on Community Clusters, all clusters will now be requiring BoilerKey...
The Scholar cluster will be taken down for regular inter-semester maintenance and upgrades starting at Monday, June 15th, 2020 at 8:00am EDT. All jobs...
The Brown, Gilbreth, Halstead, Rice, Scholar, Snyder, and Workbench clusters began experiencing issues with intermittently slow home directories acces...
Engineering Computing Network (ECN) has reported an outage on the software license servers for ITaP Research Computing systems that are hosted by ECN....
Since Friday, April 17, the Research Data Depot filesystem has been unavailable on community cluster systems due to an ongoing filesystem verificatio...
The Brown, Gilbreth, Halstead, Hammer, Rice, Scholar, Snyder, and Workbench clusters began experiencing issues with connection to Data Depot filesyste...
On March 10, 2020 President Daniels and Provost Akridge announced that in-person instruction at Purdue will move to online to mitigate risks from the...
In order to alleviate gradual degradation of performance on Scholar, all the front-end login nodes will be restarted shortly after midnight Sunday (Sa...
Hammer, Scholar, Snyder, WCERES, WSC Hadoop, and Data Depot began experiencing issues with networking around 10:00am EST. Engineers are currently diag...
As of 2:30 pm, engineers have completed maintenance and have returned the Scholar cluster back to normal service. Any PBS jobs that were running have...
To expand the list of supported software on Scholar and to provide software updates at a faster pace, Research Computing is adopting a new software au...